Thursday, August 3, 2017


This blog came about after a rather eye-opening review of my finances. It focuses on eating a healthy amount of fruits and vegetables while on a tight budget. It's a blend of both US and UK dietary guidelines. My personal goal is to eat 10 servings (5 cups) of fruits and veggies on an average of $10 a day despite living in San Francisco, one of the most expensive cities in the US. I happen to be vegetarian, but much of what I do will be applicable for anyone on a budget.

The $10 encompasses food and entertainment. It doesn't include monthly recurring items like rent, utilities, or credit card payments, which were included in the overall budget that helped determine the $10/day amount.

Frozen veggies will be more common than fresh on this blog, as the bulk quantities purchased from farmer’s markets tend to go bad before I can eat it all. You’ll see cheap ramen (gasp) on occasion. Food combinations that might seem weird will definitely be featured. $10 a day is not a lot for San Francisco, so compromises and creativity will be needed. However, my wallet (& my waist) will thank me later! Feel free to share any tips!

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Indian Buffet

Went to an Indian buffet with coworkers for lunch. Had two heaping plates of veggie dishes so along with the two bananas I had, I'm gue...